Fertigungshalle von Lütgert & Co. in Güterlsoh
Fertigungshalle von Lütgert & Co. in Güterlsoh
Mechanische Fertigung mit modernem Maschinenpark
Fertigungshalle von Lütgert & Co. in Güterlsoh
Mechanische Fertigung mit modernem Maschinenpark

Optimal power transmission

Difference between power belts and individual belts

Regarding the belt profile, power belts are compatible with individual belts. Individual belts are connected with some extra top layers, so that more individual belts can be interlinked.

They are distinguished through its high transverse rigidity and show beneficial operating behavior when it comes to vibrations with big axial distances. Due to the flexible top layer , length differences are now a thing of the past.

Power belts are an alternative to multiple individual belts. With the individual belts installation is very easy because of the light weight.

Power belt SPB 2 grooves
Power belt SPB 2 grooves

Raw-edged and covered V-belts

When it comes to V-belts we differentiate between raw-edged and covered V-belts.

XPB is a raw-edged V-belt with the dimensions of the B profile. SPB is a covered narrow V-belt with dimensions of the B profile.

The raw-edged V-belt has advantages when it comes to wear and tear behavior, smoothness and frictional connection. The covered narrow V-belt is excellent because of its high efficiency.

Covered V-belt
Covered V-belt
Raw-edged V-belt
Raw-edged V-belt

Notched belts

Due to the molded cogs the belt is easy to bend and can only be found with raw-edged belts. Because of the reduced cross section the belt underlies low abrasive wear and offers benefits regarding the energy efficiency.

Alternatively the moulded cogs also allow you to use smaller pulleys.

Raw-edged notched V-belt
Raw-edged notched V-belt

Power transmission

Power transmission takes place due to friction between the belt edge and the V-shaped groove.

The friction is clearly higher than with the flat belt version. Thus the V-belt can transmit a higher performance density.

Facts about the most common high performance belt models

The latest maintenance-free belts from reputable providers offer even more comfort and security. As the belts almost don´t elongate after shrinking, they are almost maintenance-free.

As we are independent from the providers, we can offer you the optimal belt for your needs.

Belt presentation


- Covered V-belt
- Aramid tension member
- High performance density
- All common profiles
- More performance compared to standard belts
- Maintenance-free
- Up to 14,000mm

Blue Power

- Covered V-belt
- Aramid cord
- All common profiles
- More performance compared to standard belts
- Up to 12,000mm


- Raw-edged high performance V-belt
- Pull cord out of CR- fiber blend
- Profiles: XPZ XPA, XPB, XPC
- Low belt stretch
- 15% more performance compared to standard belts
- Small pulley diameter
- Temperature-resistant from -30°C to +90°C

QuadPower 4

- Raw-edged high performance V-belt
- Maintenance-free
- Energy efficiency up to 98%
- Temperature-resistant from -50°C to +130°C
- Static conductive
- RoHS and REACH conform
- Small pulley diameter


Field of application


For demanding conditions and big, heavy drives.

Blue Power

For big and heavy loaded drives.

Quad Power 4

Fast drives in areas in extreme temperature ranges.


Belt comparisons

Requirement Toothed belt Flat belt V-belt V-ribbed belt Wide V-belt
Power transmission Forml. Power Power Power Power
Max. torques [min-1] 20.000 130.000 10.000 12.500 10.000
Performance limit [kW]-1] 1.000 5.000 3.000 1.000 70
Max. circumferential speed [m/s] 80 200 50 60 25
Max. Bending frequency [Hz] 200 >200 100 200 40
Criteria for overload Skip Slip Slip Slip Slip
Shaft load Fu 1,5..1,8 Fu 1,3 Fu 1,3 Fu
Efficiency [%] 98 98 96 96 96
Transmission to 1:10 to 1:12 to 1:12 to 1:35 to 1:10
Synchronous run yes no no no no
Temperature range [°C] -35..+100 -50..+100 -35..+80 -35..+80 -35..+80

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33335 Gütersloh

Phone: +49 52 41 / 74 07 0
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